How to travel from Bordeaux to Megeve, France

The distance between Bordeaux and Megeve is around 638km (397 miles) and the quickest way to get there is to fly and then take the bus which takes around 3h 20m.

4 routes found

We've found 4 different ways to get from Bordeaux to Megeve by bus, car, plane and train. The recommended routes, which include information on duration, ticket price, and level of difficulty, can be found below.

👋 Also check out MegeveBordeaux if you're planning a return trip.

🚀 Fastest

Plane and Bus

Fly from Bordeaux (BOD) to Geneva (GVA) then take the bus to Sallanches.

  • Duration3h 20m
  • Flight time1h 20m
  • Typical cost
Operated by

Multiple operators

1 similiar route

We’ve grouped similar routes together, click the arrows to see the other options.

💰 Cheapest


Take the bus to Grenoble - Bus Station and then to Megeve Autogare.

  • Duration11hrs
  • Departs3 times a week
  • Typical cost
Operated by

Multiple bus operators



Drive to Megève.

  • Duration7h 10m
  • Distance730km (454 miles)
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Frequently asked questionsabout travel between Bordeaux and Megeve

There are several options for getting from Bordeaux to Megeve by bus, car, plane and train. The cheapest option is to take the bus which costs around €38 ($38) and will take around 11hrs. If you need to get there more quickly, you can fly and then take the bus and arrive in approximately 3h 20m, though it is a bit more costly at approximately €125 ($125).

The distance between Bordeaux and Megeve is around 638km (397 miles). In a direct line (as the crow flies), the distance is 574km (356 miles)

It takes around 11hrs to get from Bordeaux and Megeve by bus. If you are travelling by car it will take around 7h 10m to drive there.

The quickest way to get from Bordeaux to Megeve is to fly and then take the bus which takes around 3h 20m and will set you back approx €125 ($125).

The cheapest way to travel between Bordeaux and Megeve, if you exclude driving, is to take the bus which will typically cost around €38 ($38) for a standard one-way ticket.

Train travel

There is no train service that runs between Bordeaux and Megeve. We recommend that you fly from Bordeaux (BOD) to Geneva (GVA) then take the bus to Sallanches. instead which will take 3h 20m.

Bus travel

Yes there is a bus that runs regularly from Bordeaux and Megeve. It typically takes around 11hrs and departs 3 times a week.

There are no direct bus services that runs from Bordeaux to Megeve. However, you can instead can take several connecting buses with changeovers in Grenoble - Bus Station. These services run 3 times a week and will take a minimum of 11hrs.

Blablabus, FlixBus and Swiss PostAuto run regular bus services between Bordeaux and Megeve. Buses run 3 times a week and take around 11hrs on average but will vary depending on you book with.

Flights and Airlines

It doesn't look like you can fly directly from Bordeaux to Megeve. We recommend that you fly from Bordeaux (BOD) to Lyon (LYS) then take the train to Chambery Challes Les Eaux and then to Albertville then take the bus to Megeve Autogare. instead which will take 4h 30m.

The closest major airport to Megeve is Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport (LYS) (LYS) which is approximately 120km (75 miles) from Megeve. Dole-Jura Airport (DLE) (DLE) and EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg (BSL) (BSL) are also nearby and might be a better alternative airport depending on where you are flying from.

Drive yourself

Yes it is possible to drive from Bordeaux and Megeve. The distance is around 730km (454 miles) by road and it will take around 7h 10m in normal traffic conditons.

If you don't have a car, the easiest way to get from Bordeaux to Megeve is to take the bus which takes, on average, 11hrs and will usually cost around €38 ($38).

How do I get from Bordeaux to Megeve

Compare travel optionsbetween Bordeaux and Megeve

Transport options from Bordeaux to Megeve
Transport optionDurationCostFrequencyDistance
Plane and Bus + 1 similar
3h 20m
4 times a day638km (397 miles)
Plane, Train and Bus4h 30m
3 times a week647km (402 miles)
3 times a week783km (487 miles)
7h 10m
on demand730km (454 miles)

Top Carriersoperating between Bordeaux and Megeve

Bus companies

Train operators

Airports near Megeve

The following major airports near Megeve offer regular flights to various popular destinations within France and internationally.

Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport (LYS)
International Airport
120km (75 miles) from Megeve
Dole-Jura Airport (DLE)
Domestic Airport
160km (99 miles) from Megeve
EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg (BSL)
International Airport
206km (128 miles) from Megeve