How to travel from Bengkulu to Legian, Indonesia

The distance between Bengkulu and Legian is around 1,541km (957 miles) and the quickest way to get there is to fly which takes around 3h 20m.

1 routes found

We've found 1 different ways to get from Bengkulu to Legian by plane. The recommended routes, which include information on duration, ticket price, and level of difficulty, can be found below.

👋 Also check out LegianBengkulu if you're planning a return trip.

🚀 Fastest
💰 Cheapest


Fly from Bengkulu (BKS) to Ngurah Rai (DPS).

  • Duration3h 20m
  • Flight time3hrs
  • Typical cost
    IDR 1,857,265($125)
Operated by

Lion Mentari Airlines

+ 2 others

Frequently asked questionsabout travel between Bengkulu and Legian

There are several options for getting from Bengkulu to Legian by plane. The cheapest option is to fly which costs around IDR 1,857,265 ($125) and will take around 3h 20m.

The distance between Bengkulu and Legian is around 1,541km (957 miles).

It takes around 3h 20m to get from Bengkulu and Legian by plane.

The quickest way to get from Bengkulu to Legian is to fly which takes around 3h 20m and will set you back approx IDR 1,857,265 ($125).

The cheapest way to travel between Bengkulu and Legian is to fly which will typically cost around IDR 1,857,265 ($125) for a standard one-way ticket.

Flights and Airlines

Yes you can fly from Bengkulu and Legian. Flights depart from Bengkulu (BKS) and arrive at Ngurah Rai (DPS) - via Soekarno–Hatta (CGK). The flight takes around 3hrs.

There is no direct flight from Bengkulu to Legian. There is however a flight that goes via Soekarno–Hatta (CGK). This services will take at least 3h 20m (not including layover time).

The flight from Bengkulu to Legian typically takes around 3hrs. Flights depart from Bengkulu (BKS) and and arrive into Ngurah Rai (DPS).

The closest major airport to Legian is Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) (DPS) which is approximately 5km (3 miles) from Legian. Blimbingsari Airport (BWX) (BWX) and Zainuddin Abdul Madjid International Airport (LOP) (LOP) are also nearby and might be a better alternative airport depending on where you are flying from.

Drive yourself

If you don't have a car, the easiest way to get from Bengkulu to Legian is to fly which takes, on average, 3h 20m and will usually cost around IDR 1,857,265 ($125).

How do I get from Bengkulu to Legian

Top Carriersoperating between Bengkulu and Legian


Airports near Legian

The following major airports near Legian offer regular flights to various popular destinations within Indonesia and internationally.

Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS)
International Airport
5km (3 miles) from Legian
Blimbingsari Airport (BWX)
Domestic Airport
101km (63 miles) from Legian
Zainuddin Abdul Madjid International Airport (LOP)
International Airport
122km (76 miles) from Legian